Vision Physics 215 objectives

A more comprehensive student based (with the instructor as a facilitator) syllabus will be produced in which the students will work in collaborative units the students will:

Vision Physics 215 Project
  1. Students groups of two should choose an activity with basketballs that they can video and use as a demonstrations of various physical effects that they have studied in Physics 215.
  2. The vidoes are to be digitized as used as input for World in Motion software, where the motion of the basketballs will be analyzed.
  3. In order to identify the various forces acting on the basketballs Interactive Physics animations are to be constructed based on the same initial conditions as the physical basketball experiment, but with different forces (corresponding to different physical environments) acting on the balls. 
  4. A short non technical description of the above is to be written up in microsoft word describing the findings and relating them to physics principles. The videos and various graphs are to be inserted into the word document. Each student should submit a personal report, but students are to work in collaborative groups of 4 or 5 people to design and discuss the reports.
  5. The reports will be worth up to 10% of the final mark for the course.